How will your \”new normal\” look?

How will your \”new normal\” look?

How will your \”new normal\” look? What will you change post-pandemic? Why not put numbers to those dreams with a well crafted financial plan?

News headlines have become a louder part of our days in 2020. The news of the day has always been a dull roar in the background of our lives, but this year those headlines have been harder to ignore and have touched our daily lives deeply. What would your personal 2020 headlines have been?

Pandemic Decision Making

2020 has been tough. If there’s a silver lining in all of this, it’s the opportunity it has presented to take a step back and think. I recently read a CBC Life article entitled “The psychology behind pandemic decision making”. In it the author speaks about how fear affects our decision making. The extra fear of dying or getting sick that the pandemic has brought makes us reflect and think about where we are today and whether we’re happy.

Major life events, shifts, if you will, cause us to reflect on where we stand today, and what changes we want to make to ensure our future is better than our past. The pandemic has given us a “shift”. What a great time to plan!

Putting numbers to your dreams

Lucky for you, financial planning is what we do. Watermark Stone Wealth can provide some structure to your planning.
No matter what kind of shift you are contemplating, we are here ready to crunch the numbers with you and create a plan to help you make that life shift a reality. We\’ll walk you through our 6 step planning process:

  1. Understanding what is truly important to you
  2. Clarifying your goals
  3. Setting both short- and long-term goals
  4. Building your personalized wealth plan
  5. Implementing your plan and driving it forward
  6. Monitoring your progress against your goals

Perhaps your new headline will read:

  • “Family moves from city to country” or
  • “Couple leans into retirement earlier than expected” or
  • “Leveling up by upgrading my skills” or
  • “Sabbatical here I come” or
  • Taking time off to care for a loved one”.

Listening to the news headlines often makes us want to return to life pre-COVID…back to normal. But, if we go back to the pre-COVID world as it was, we’ve missed a huge opportunity to improve our own lives, and the world around us. The most commonly used saying of this year is probably the “new normal”. How will your \”new normal\” look? Watermark Stone Wealth will be there to help you decide.

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